American Society

for Rickettsiology

Postdoctoral Fellow

  • February 26, 2023 7:16 PM
    Message # 13111565

    A Postdoctoral Fellow position is immediately available at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Our research laboratory employs in vitro and in vivo experimental models to study infectious diseases caused by vector-borne intracellular bacteria. He or she will be working on a research project focusing on either development of vaccine or investigation of endothelial pathophysiology of vector-borne diseases caused by intracellular bacteria.

    We seek a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow with strong scientific curiosity and integrity. Selected candidate is required to have strong background/training in microbiology, cellular biology, immunology, or closely related field. Basic research experiences/skills are required, including siRNA, immunoprecipitation, immunoblotting, cell culture, ELISA, and/or flow cytometric analysis. The successful candidate would be expected to perform experiments independently under PI’s supervision, organize data, draft manuscript, and present research findings in scientific meetings and conferences. Working experience with animal handling in high-containment laboratory such as BSL3 would be an additional competency. Candidates who have research experience with transcription factor, protein modifications and epigenetics will be preferred. 

    The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) at Galveston is an academic medical center with state-of-the-art core facilities with NIH-funded national biocontainment laboratories (Galveston National Laboratory). Galveston is only one hour driving from Houston. Salary is commensurate with experience and/or will follow NIH guidelines flus full-time benefits. Interested candidates should send a CV and names of three references to Dr. Rong Fang, preferably by email, to:  


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American Society for Rickettsiology

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